Organized at the home of Mrs. Chet Bagley on May 19, 1938
First Officers
President Mrs. Chet Bagley
Vice President Mrs. H. J Bratlie
Secretary Mrs. J. H. Bratlie
Treasurer Mrs. R. S. Stryker
Charter Members
Loretta Bagley Verta Claiborne Beda Layne
Jean Bratlie Maude Dearborn Helen Mainwaring
Mary Bratlie Sadie Fairbrother Helen Stefan
Winnie Bratlie Grace Iles Florence Stryker
Carrie Brown Isabel Kuhn Jessie Stubbs
Article I: Name. The name of this club shall be Ridgefield Garden Club.
Article II: Object. The object of this club shall be to study, in all of its aspects, the fine art of gardening and horticulture. This will enable us to assist others who are interested in improving their gardens and surroundings. Other goals would include aiding in protection and conservation of native trees, plants and birds, implementing community beautification, and supporting community activities.
Article III: Membership.
Section 1. Membership shall be open to people who reside in the general Ridgefield area.
Section 2. New membership guidelines:
A prospective member must:
A. Be sincerely interested in gardening
B. Be prepared to actively support the Garden Club in its civic endeavors;
C. Fill out an Application Form.
The prospective member must attend one meeting before being accepted into the Club. New members will be inducted as they become eligible.
Article IV: Officers - Duties. The officers of this Club shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. These officers shall be elected for a term of one year and shall serve until their successor has been elected and installed.
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and shall seek chairpersons for all committees.. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
The Vice-President shall perform all the duties of the President in the absence of that officer; and shall act as Program Chairman for the year.
The Secretary shall keep the records of the meetings of the Club, shall be custodian of all records and papers pertaining to the office, and shall conduct the correspondence of the Club. The Secretary shall e-mail minutes of the meetings to all members.
The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of the Club and shall pay them out only on bills approved by the Board. Reports will be given monthly, and the books must be audited yearly, or before a new treasurer is installed.
Article V: Standing Committees. There shall be the following standing committees: Plant Sale, Planter Box, Membership, and such others as shall seem necessary in the opinion of the Club.
Article VI: Meetings. There shall be regular meetings of the club each third Thursday of the month, September through May. The regular meeting shall begin at 10:00 am.
The President may call special meetings, but in such case the business to be transacted must be specified, and no other business shall be acted upon. Members must be notified of special meetings. Emergency votes may be taken by e-mail as long as an effort is made to contact members with no e-mail.
Article VII: Quorum. The quorum for meetings shall be one third the active membership.
Article VIII: Parliamentary Authority. “Robert’s Rules of Order Revised” shall be the authority and govern this Club in its business procedure on such points not covered in the by-laws.
Revision date: February, 2019